Most Simple Way To Ensure Better Search Engine Rankings!

Now I don’t know if you know my motto about internet marketing, but I believe that it is very simple, it is NOT EASY, but it IS simple.  I know how you feel if you are reading this post, you work so hard, spending all of your time writing quality posts about whatever your niche is, but it gets you no extra traffic.

You spend hours on end doing keyword research, and by some miracle you find a good one that has that magical combination of low traffic and high searches.  The problem is that you STILL aren’t ranking high up in the search engines.   Trust me, I have been there and it completely and utterly sucks!

So, I made a pretty lofty promise when I said that you can ENSURE better SEO rankings, and this is true.  The way that you are ranking as of now can easily be improved.


This is a very simple thing that you have to do before you even being to write a post, guest post, blog or forum comment.  Physically write a list of keywords, and then also write synonyms of the keywords.  It is not enough to do what you normally do; to know what your keyWORD (1 word) is and then try to throw it into your post as much as possible without making sound like a bunch of garbage.

I need you to write a list of at least 5 keywords, and then use them in your posts where you see fit.  It is such a simple thing to do and it will definitely improve your Search Engine Rankings because now you have a larger number of more relevant keywords that you can add to create even more relevant content.

It really is a simple thing that I highly recommend you to do.  Do not just gloss over it because it seems so simple that it can’t work, because that is completely wrong.  Some of the best creations of all of humanity were simple and quick fixes, so don’t miss out on this easy SEO tip or you will regret it when you see your website fall all the way back to “E” page in GOOGLE.

Don’t Make This Mistake When Email Marketing!

No, this was not a foul up by the internet, and no I didn’t forget to check over this post before I published it.  I mean to post this picture to show you what happens when you send out pictures to your email list!

Don’t do it! Do NOT DO IT!

All that happens when you send a picture to your email list is it gets blocked by the email provider as a pop up.  While is does not harm the email itself, it does turn into a lot of wasted space.  And as a person who almost always goes on his email over the phone, it is a huge pain in the ass to have to scroll all the way past a big old white space that has a red “x” in the top left corner because it could not display the image.


While you might not do this yourself, I want to let you and all other affiliate marketers out there know something.  Never, and I mean NEVER, include a link in a picture.  I have received emails from many email marketers who have made this rookie mistake.  They get you all excited to check out a product, and then they include the affiliate link in a cool BUY NOW button that they included.  What they didn’t know is that my email provider blocked it out so now I don’t see the button, and I can’t go to the affiliate website.  Not only did that person lose a subscriber that day (me), but he also lost out on a lot of money because he made this dumb rookie mistake.

I believe that pictures should only be added to webpages and never to emails, because if that person wanted to get a visual representation of what you were saying, then they would just visit your website.  When you send an email to your list, the purpose should be either to educate them about something very quickly, or it should be to recommend to them a kick-ass product that you found out about.  That is it.  NO PICTURES!!

How To Title Your Post Pages

I understand the pain that you may have because you can’t seem to drive any traffic to your website.  The days of “build your website and they will come” is long over my friend.  But you have worked hard to put good quality information on your website and nobody is going to get to read it.  So how can you help get your website noticed?


It is a very simple and easy thing to do, as all that you have to do is change the permalink that links to the individual post.  Many internet marketers have a problem with this, as they just title it SEO1, SEO2, or something along those lines.  While that may help you keep the posts organized by what order you wrote them in, it will not help you get noticed in the search engines.

I previously wrote an article on long tail keywords (wrote it earlier today), and this post is really just an extension on that idea.  If you write tag your post pages well then that will help them get ranked a lot higher strictly through the SEO.

And the best part is that labeling your post pages’ permalinks with a high quality title is very easy, as all you have to do is summarize your post.  Come up with a 3-6 word long phrase that really summarizes what you had to say in the post, and you will see these posts (and soon your whole website) ranking higher in Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all the other search engines!

What Keywords Should You Be Focusing On?

It is undoubtedly the hardest part of internet marketing that you will EVER have to deal with.  You have to take hours, if not days searching to find the perfect keyword before you can even begin to try to make money from it.  This is a huge problem for all online marketers at one time or another, because they just can’t seem to find a great keyword that is worth their time.

While this is a basic tip, it is one that I must say:


If you pick a short keyword because it gets a million searches a day, then you WILL waste all of your time and get ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE!  I can’t stress that enough, unless you’re Google itself, you cannot just pick a high traffic keyword and jump to the first page without years of diligent work.  It is not worth it.

Good keyword research, and then the resulting SEO is all about optimizing for the long keywords and making the most from that traffic.  Even I have done this with the long tail keyword “get paid over the internet.”  It is a highly searched keyword, but it does not have all the competition that “online marketing” or “work from home” would have.

The true key to making money online, in any timeframe that would even resemble quick, is optimizing your site for the long and specific keywords that highly motivated buyers type in to their search engines.  So get to workin’, because it is a long road ahead.

What About Forum Commenting?


Ok, so there are many ways that you can build links back to your website, and I’m pretty sure that we have all heard about forum commenting.  It is truly one of the fundamentals when it comes to building backlinks, but is it worth it?

Well, in short: NO, IT’S NOT WORTH IT!

If you want to be able to leave a link on a forum, most of which are no follow anyway, then you have to:

  • Sign up as a member of the forum
  • Confirm your email address
  • Personalize your membership
  • Read all of the TONS of emails that they will send to you
  • Finally write your first comment


Most forums, to discourage the practice of forum backlinking, have set up a minimum requirement that all members must reach before they are able to post a website link.  So your answer to that problem might be posting your link IN your comment; but in any quality forum (the type that you want to be in) the members will consider you a spammer, and your comment will be deleted.

Or, you could go to one of those crappy forums where you see backlinks EVERYWHERE!  The problem with that is that the forum is already considered a low quality website, so even if the forum allowed you to get any “link juice” (and trust me, they wouldn’t let you), it would’ve already be sucked completely dry by the thousands (yes THOUSANDS) of links that have been posted on the site.

So if through all of that you still don’t completely understand my viewpoint on forum commenting, or forum posting, allow me to clarify.  It takes up all of your time, just to put up one link that gets you no “link juice” and will probably be deleted anyway.  You could literally be doing anything else in an attempt to grow your business, and it would UNQUESTIONABLY be a better use of your time.  Forum commenting is a waste of time, and a waste of money, and as Mr. Krabs from Spongebob always says, “That’s just sick!”

The #1 Secret To Building A Big Email List!

Now by now I am sure that you understand that the real money in internet marketing is in your email list of potential customers, prompting the very popular saying (amongst internet marketers), “The money is in the list.”  You know that if you were only able to compile a list of interested customers, you wouldn’t have to worry anymore, because you would finally have a stable source of residual income from a responsive list.  But there seems to be one problem:


Luckily, you can easily fix this problem.  And the best part, is that you can fix this problem VERY VERY FAST!  How you may ask?  That is always the underlying question, and it is a very simple answer.  If you want to have a large email list, then all you have to do is follow in the timeless words of the great Tony Robbins, “ASK!”

To further elaborate on the idea of asking for a big email list, I will throw in the term solo ads.  A solo ad is a contract between two people, where a marketer pays a person with an email list so that they can broadcast emails that lead back to their sqeeze page to the readers.  If that buyer has a properly converting squeeze page then they can quickly build an email list with this tool.

It is incredibly powerful, and for all of the super affiliates out there, it is how they made their fortunes.  So I might take some heat for giving away these guys’ most powerful money making strategy, but this technique only works if you actually DO IT!  Reading about it, and knowing how to do it won’t make you ANY money; you have to start doing it RIGHT NOW!